Authors: Beaman, R.J.
Year: 2023
Publication: AusBathyTopo 250m 2023 grid, AusSeabed Webinar, 01 November 2023. Geoscience Australia – AusSeabed, Remote seminar.
Geoscience Australia has just released the 2023 Australian 250 m seabed map. This shows the whole of the Australian marine context at 250 metre resolution.
This product is the combination of 1582 individual surveys, representing decades of seafloor mapping and analysis from across the seabed mapping community.
It offers significant improvements on the Australian Bathymetry and Topography Grid, June 2009.
The release of this product has been driven by a partnership between Geoscience Australia, James Cook University, the University of Sydney, and the Australian Hydrographic Office.
This session will provide the AusSeabed community with a unique “peak behind the curtains”.