Magazine Articles

Remote Control

Authors: Beaman, R.J. Year: 2021 Publication: Remote control. Signals magazine. Australian National Maritime Museum,...

Charting the unknown

Authors: Kokkonen, K., Beaman, R.J. Year: 2017 Publication: JCU Brighter online...

Charting the depths

Authors: Beaman, R.J. Year: 2015 Publication: Discover Magazine 9(2), 20. James Cook University, Townsville,...

Beneath the waves

Authors: Beaman, R.J. Year: 2011 Publication: SeaRead Magazine 37, 10. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority,...

Mapping the depths

Authors: Beaman, R.J. Year: 2010 Publication: Discover Magazine 4(2), 8-9. James Cook University, Cairns, Australia....

Shedding light on the sea floor

Authors: Post, A.L., Beaman, R.J. and Riddle, M.J. Year: 2010 Publication: Australian Antarctic Magazine 18,...

The Drowned Reef

Authors: Pickrell, J. Year: 2008 Publication: Cosmos Magazine Issue 23, 52-59. Luna Media, Sydney, Australia. Abstract...

Life in the deep

Authors: Beaman, R.J. Year: 2008 Publication: Discover Magazine, April, 9. James Cook University, Cairns, Australia....