This Publications page lists a variety of written outputs used by the team of scientists to communicate their work.
Peer-reviewed Literature
The formal scientific articles published by science journals to explain new ideas and discuss observations. Peer-review means that the article has passed scrutiny by experts in that subject to ensure that the ideas and discussion are of the highest level. These articles have a formal layout: an abstract or summary, introduction, methods, results, discussion and a list of references.
Written as outputs from research contracts or grants. Reports are usually short, technical articles published to highlight the initial results of the work, and prior to publishing longer peer-reviewed articles.
Conference Papers
An excellent way for scientists to meet face-to-face with each other and to hear about the latest research. Conference papers can either be through a seminar speaking in front of an audience, or simply displayed as a large printed poster. The proceedings of a conference are usually short scientific articles, or abstracts of the seminar or poster.
Book Sections
Chapters written for hard-copy or e-books books that can be either be peer-reviewed books read by other scientists, or written in a simpler language style as popular science for the general public.
Magazine Articles
Written for the general public and use a much simpler language than is found in peer-reviewed scientific articles. Examples can be items written and illustrated for popular science magazines, newspapers, or for professional and technical magazines.